Webinar ON DEMAND: Cold Claim Files 2020

The case of missing revenue doesn't go unsolved here.

Back by popular demand, our whodunit style webinar solved the cold claim mysteries that most eyecare practices deal with regularly. Losing revenue on unpaid claims isn't an option in 2020. We show you how to identify claims that can be corrected, show how to get your money back, and set you up to prevent errors. 

Denied or rejected claims get lost in the mix of your everyday, but that doesn't mean they should stay unpaid. Let Shane Shepherd, our in-house billing expert, share his 15 years of experience in successful revenue cycle management.

Our On Demand Webinar: Cold Claim Files leaves you feeling prepared to tackle your own unpaid claims.

  • Solve an unpaid claim step-by-step
  • Understand every possible denial reason
  • Examine invoices, remits, deposit types, and reports
  • Highlight 2-3 other possible scenarios

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